The Biggest Problem is Me

I dearly want my younger body back. That ain’t happening, but since keeping to reality has never been my strong suit, that’s my goal. Reaching this unattainable goal is why I have decided to train for a triathlon; that and I’m an idiot.

It takes work to train for a triathlon, the kind of work I both like and like to avoid. Adding to this exercise schizophrenia, during times of stress, like the time of my life right now, I eat too much, smoke too much, and generally take care of myself as if reclining is an Olympic sport.

In the past couple of weeks, when I should have been exercising an average of one and a half hours per day, I’ve gained something like ten pounds. I only exaggerate slightly. Is it redundant to add that I’ve not done enough working out?

What have I done you ask? I’ve ridden about 125 miles on my exercise cycle, but not at nearly enough tension. I’ve only run twice. I did do an afternoon of pick and shovel work for my new garden and that just exhausted me the next day as well. Never underestimate how much effort using a pickaxe requires. I have done a bit of shadowboxing, but still not nearly enough.

If I keep up at this level of exercise I will be a fat, out-of-shape dude in August and that is not my goal. I mean most people don’t have the goal of an ugly body, but I digress.

On the good side, my carpel tunnel surgery was successful so I can actually ride a bicycle on a roadway. Prior to surgery, I couldn’t do that so I’m pretty excited about it. As I still do not have a working bike I need to address that problem asap. My bike will be going to the repairist tomorrow. BTW, there should be a nongender word like “repairist” but my spell checker doesn’t think so. Besides the bike repairs, I’ll need a helmet, gloves, something reflective to wear, and perhaps one of those cute bike outfits. I’ll only get the bike outfit after I’ve lost a suitable amount of weight. I ain’t squeezing this body into some form-fitting garment. I’d scare the kiddies.

Unfortunately, the early returns on my quixotic quest are disappointing. But the good thing is I can still turn it around. This month, May, my goals are dieting to lose a quick fifteen while exercising enough to feel like I’m training. Whether or not I succeed in overcoming my biggest problem in my quest – myself, I’ll be writing about it.

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